Steps to outsource Real Estate HDR images

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real estate HDR enhancement package

Nowadays, photographers and realtors choose Real Estate HDR images for their marketing campaign. Because they help them to showup the best corners of the property ‘s listing. But in order to get an amazing pictures, you have to do many tasks. From the correct color to the light, the sharpeners and straighten. So photographers usually choose to outsource their real estate HDR photo. It is not only very convenience but also easy to use. All you need to do is sending your original image out and get the image back within 24 hours. Thanks to the fast-development of technology, they can save amount of time to have amazing photos.

Today Qblends will share with you some of the basic and most commonly used editing techniques for real estate photo editing:

1. Perform color correcting.

Color correction is probably one of the basic and essential steps in real estate HDR images editing. You can do on Lightroom and Photoshop. Qblends is majoring at HDR enhancement service. So we know how to make your properties shine. We usually use hand-blending tools to match your style and make it better.

2. Straighten the lines.

When shooting properties, you need to be extra careful with your lines. You need to make sure that these are straight and not bent in some way. Whether you’re shooting interior or exterior, you have to look at the lines and shoot them properly. However, you can always retouch them after a shoot. To align the lines in Photoshop, you can use the Free Transform. Make sure that you select the entire image and drag the corner of the image opposite to where the lines are leaning towards.

3. Even out the light.

When shooting interiors or exteriors, you might encounter problems with the shadows and uneven lighting. To combat this, use Lightroom to adjust shadows, highlight, whites, and blacks. Drag the Shadows bar to the right in order to open up the shadows a little bit. Make sure that it is a safe middle ground. If you have harsh highlights on the photo, you may want to drag your highlights bar to the left in order to bring down the hot spots. To adjust the whites and blacks, hold down the Alt key on your PC or the Option key on your Mac. Bring the whites or the blacks bar to the right until you see specs of white or black on the image.

3. Adjust clarity.
Real Estate HDR images

On Lightroom, just push the clarity to the right in order to polish the photo. With adjusting the clarity, you might want to adjust the blacks as well in order to add depth and crisper look to the image.

4. Clean up the image.

Our editors is well-trained. We not only can blend your HDR photo but also move unwanted objects in your photo. It is one of the nescessary task to make your photo compelling.

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